Virus Update Scripts with Timeouts
Gerry Doris
gerry at DORFAM.CA
Fri Jul 11 00:28:37 IST 2003
I use both F-Prot and ClamAV with MailScanner. There are scripts for each
of these virus scanners which by default are run hourly to check for new
virus definition files. Unfortunately, if the script is unable to
complete then MailScanner will cease processing mail until the problem is
corrected. Mail still is received but nothing is scanned and processed
for delivery.
I have modified the two update scripts to add a timeout (default=15sec).
If the script has not completed the connection to the download site before
the timeout the script is aborted and MailScanner is given back control.
I posted the ClamAV script about a week ago. Nothing has really changed
in this version other than I cleaned up my coding (I'm a long ways from
being a programmer!).
I added the timeout code in the F-Prot script and fixed a problem in the
original BailOut sub code that prevented logging status to the syslog.
If you choose to use these scripts they need to be placed in the
/usr/lib/MailScanner directory. I suggest you backup the original
scripts incase you want to go back to them.
"The lyfe so short, the craft so long to learne" Chaucer
-------------- next part --------------
# MailScanner - SMTP E-Mail Virus Scanner
# Copyright (C) 2002 Julian Field
# $Id: f-prot-autoupdate,v 2003/06/07 17:55:00 jkf Exp $
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# The author, Julian Field, can be contacted by email at
# Jules at
# or by paper mail at
# Julian Field
# Dept of Electronics & Computer Science
# University of Southampton
# Southampton
# SO17 1BJ
# United Kingdom
$SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "timeout" }; # Setup alarm call
use Sys::Syslog;
use IO::File;
# Stop syslogd from needing external access (or -r)
eval { Sys::Syslog::setlogsock('unix'); };
# You can set your HTTP proxy server / web-cache here if you want to,
# otherwise you will have to set it in the environment or wget's
# startup file.
# If you don't want to specify it here, comment out the next line.
#$HttpProxy = '';
#$FtpProxy = '';
$FProtRoot = "/usr/local/f-prot";
# you *really* don't want to share it with
# anything else.
$TempDir = "$FProtRoot/tmp";
$DefDir = $FProtRoot;
#$FallbackServer = '';
$FallbackServer = '';
$LockFile = "/tmp/FProtBusy.lock";
$LOCK_SH = 1;
$LOCK_EX = 2;
$LOCK_NB = 4;
$LOCK_UN = 8;
$cron = 0;
$quiet = 0;
$updated = 0;
$FProtIsLocked = 0;
$HaveDownloadedSign = 0;
$TmpFile = "tmp-web";
$HttpReturn = 10;
$TIMEOUT = 10; #Default Timeout in sec's
# Check command-line parameters
foreach (@ARGV) {
if (/cron/i) {
$cron = 1;
} elsif (/quiet/i) {
$quiet = 1;
} else {
BailOut("Invalid command-line option \"$_\"");
# If they have specified an http/ftp proxy server / web-cache, then use it
$ENV{'http_proxy'} = $HttpProxy if $HttpProxy;
$ENV{'ftp_proxy'} = $FtpProxy if $FtpProxy;
# Check if TempDir exists and is a directory
if (-e _) {
BailOut("$TempDir needs to be a directory") if ! -d _;
} else {
mkdir $TempDir, 0700 or BailOut("Could not create $TempDir directory, $!");
# Check file permissions of TempDir are correct
chmod 0700, $TempDir
or BailOut("Could not set perms of $TempDir. Check you own it");
CleanTempDir(); # Clean up the contents of TempDir
# Check we can find all the external programs we need
for $program (qw/cp grep head wget unzip/) {
$result = system("$program --version < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1");
BailOut("Could not find $program on your path. Please install it " .
"or fix your path") if $result==127;
# Download update information from the update server
eval {
alarm("$TIMEOUT"); #Set timeout in $TIMEOUT sec's
$result = system("wget --output-document=$TempDir/$TmpFile --tries=3 " .
"'" .
"protocol=1&run_as=check_updates' > /dev/null 2>&1");
alarm(0); #Turn off alarm
BailOut("F-Prot updater timed out. ") if $@ =~ /timeout/ ;
BailOut("wget command failed. You need the latest version installed, $!")
if $result==127;
BailOut("Updates download from failed. Suspect server could not be reached, $!")
if $result!=0;
# Get HTTP return value from checking for updates
open(TEMPFILE, "$TempDir/$TmpFile")
or BailOut("Could not read temp file $TmpFile, $!");
$HttpReturn = <TEMPFILE>;
chomp $HttpReturn;
$HttpReturn =~ s/\s*$//g;
if ($HttpReturn!=2) {
BailOut("Invalid parameters used in http URL, exiting, $!") if $HttpReturn==3;
BailOut("Invalid protocol used in http URL, exiting, $!") if $HttpReturn==4;
BailOut("Server error on remote machine, exiting, $!") if $HttpReturn==5;
BailOut("Unknown error while downloading update information, " .
"do you need to specify your HTTP/FTP proxy / web-cache at " .
"the top of this script? Exiting, $!");
# Read the file once to pull out the ftp URL of the update server
while(<TEMPFILE>) {
next unless s/^S://;
# Delete trailing newlines and stuff like that
$Server = $_;
print STDERR "FTP address for retrieving files is $Server\n"
unless $quiet || $cron;
# Lock out all other users of F-Prot until update is complete.
# Now read and compare checksums of the files on the update server and
# the local def files.
open(TEMPFILE, "$TempDir/$TmpFile");
while(<TEMPFILE>) {
s/\s*$//g; # Delete trailing whitespace (^M and such like)
next unless /^C/;
next unless /DEF=/;
s/^[^:]*://; # Delete everything up to and including ":"
($FileToCheck, $RemoteChecksum) = split(/=/, $_, 2);
$FileChecksum = Checksum("$DefDir/$FileToCheck");
BailOut("$FProtRoot/checksum was not found. It should be in your " .
"F-Prot package, $!") if $FileChecksum==127;
# Current file different from remote file?
if ($FileChecksum ne $RemoteChecksum) {
print STDERR "F-Prot signature file update script\n"
unless $updated || $quiet;
print STDERR "There is a new version of $FileToCheck, starting download.\n"
unless $quiet;
$updated = 1;
# Download it from the server
DownloadFile($Server, $FileToCheck);
# Check we downloaded the file we wanted
$FileChecksum = Checksum("$TempDir/$FileToCheck");
if ($FileChecksum eq $RemoteChecksum) {
# Copy file from temp dir to f-prot dir
system("cp $TempDir/$FileToCheck $FProtRoot");
print STDERR "Updated $FileToCheck.\n" unless $quiet;
} else {
# If not, then try fallback server instead
DownloadFile($FallbackServer, $FileToCheck);
# If that fails too, then error
$FileChecksum = Checksum("$TempDir/$FileToCheck");
if ($FileChecksum eq $RemoteChecksum) {
# Copy file from temp dir to f-prot dir
system("cp $TempDir/$FileToCheck $FProtRoot");
print STDERR "Updated $FileToCheck from fallback server.\n"
unless $quiet;
} else {
BailOut("Could not find correct version of $FileToCheck, exiting, $!");
} else {
print STDERR "File $FileToCheck is already up to date.\n"
unless $quiet || $cron;
if ($updated) {
print STDERR "Update completed.\n" unless $quiet;
} else {
print STDERR "Nothing to be done.\n" unless $cron;
# Clean up and exit.
Sys::Syslog::openlog("F-Prot autoupdate", 'pid, nowait', 'mail');
Sys::Syslog::syslog('info', $updated?"F-Prot successfully updated.":"F-Prot did not need updating.");
exit 0;
# Clean up the contents of TempDir
sub CleanTempDir {
opendir(TEMPDIR, $TempDir)
or BailOut("Could not read directory $TempDir, $!");
foreach (readdir(TEMPDIR)) {
next if /^\.\.?$/; # Skip . and ..
unlink "$TempDir/$_";
# Find the checksum of a given filename
sub Checksum {
my($Filename) = @_;
my($FileChecksum, $Result);
# Catch case where file does not exist
return 0 unless -f $Filename;
if (-x "$FProtRoot/checksum") {
$FileChecksum = `$FProtRoot/checksum $Filename 0`;
$Result = $?;
chomp $FileChecksum;
$FileChecksum =~ s/^[^=]*=//; # Chop off up to and including "="
BailOut("$FProtRoot/checksum was not found. It should be in your " .
"F-Prot package, $!") if $Result==127;
BailOut("Unknown fatal error calling \"checksum\", exiting, $!") if $Result;
return $FileChecksum;
} else {
return create_compare_string_for_defs($Filename);
# Perl code for new version of checksum
sub create_compare_string_for_defs
my ($filename) = @_;
if (my $file = new IO::File $filename)
my $buff = '';
return undef if ($file->read($buff, 32) != 32);
# Get file size
my @fstat = $file->stat();
my $fsize = $fstat[7];
return uc( unpack('H*', $buff) . sprintf("%8.8X", $fsize) );
return undef;
sub DownloadFile {
my($host, $file) = @_;
if ($file =~ /^SIGN/) {
if (!$HaveDownloadedSign) {
$HaveDownloadedSign = 1;
chdir $TempDir;
Fetch($host, '');
print STDERR "Download completed.\n" unless $quiet;
$result = system("unzip -o </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1");
BailOut("Fatal error while unzipping, $!") if ($result>>8);
} else {
chdir $TempDir;
Fetch($host, '');
print STDERR "Download completed.\n" unless $quiet;
$result = system("unzip -o </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1");
BailOut("Fatal error while unzipping, $!") if ($result>>8);
sub Fetch {
my($ip, $filename) = @_;
eval {
alarm("$TIMEOUT"); #Alarm timeout in $TIMEOUT sec's
$r = system("wget --passive-ftp --tries=3 $ip$filename > /dev/null 2>&1");
alarm(0); #No timeout - turn off alarm
BailOut("F-Prot updater timed out. ") if $@ =~ /timeout/ ;
if ($r>>8) {
# Download failed so try fallback server
BailOut("Download of $ip$filename failed, exiting, $!")
if $ip eq $FallbackServer;
Fetch($FallbackServer, $filename);
sub BailOut {
Sys::Syslog::openlog("F-Prot autoupdate", 'pid, nowait', 'mail');
Sys::Syslog::syslog('err', @_);
warn "@_\n";
chdir $FProtRoot or die "Cannot cd $FProtRoot, $!";
exit 1;
sub LockFProt {
open(LOCK, ">$LockFile") or return;
flock(LOCK, $LOCK_EX);
print LOCK "Locked for updating F-Prot virus files by $$\n";
$FProtIsLocked = 1;
sub UnlockFProt {
return unless $FProtIsLocked;
print LOCK "Unlocked after updating F-Prot virus files by $$\n";
unlink $LockFile;
flock(LOCK, $LOCK_UN);
close LOCK;
-------------- next part --------------
use Sys::Syslog;
# If you have a web proxy or cache server, put its value in the next line
# in the syntax "".
$HTTPproxy = "";
$LogFile = "/tmp/ClamAV.update.log";
$ClamUpdateCommand = "/usr/local/bin/freshclam";
$LockFile = "/tmp/ClamAVBusy.lock";
$TIMEOUT = 10; #Timeout in sec's
$LOCK_SH = 1;
$LOCK_EX = 2;
$LOCK_NB = 4;
$LOCK_UN = 8;
eval { Sys::Syslog::setlogsock('unix'); }; # This may fail!
Sys::Syslog::openlog("ClamAV-autoupdate", 'pid, nowait', 'mail');
$SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "timeout" }; # Setup alarm
eval {
alarm("$TIMEOUT"); #Update timeout in $TIMEOUT sec's
if (-x $ClamUpdateCommand) {
$Command = "$ClamUpdateCommand --quiet -l $LogFile";
$Command .= " --http-proxy $HTTPproxy" if $HTTPproxy;
alarm(0); #Turn off alarm
if ($@ =~ /timeout/) {
Sys::Syslog::syslog('err', "ClamAV updater timed out");
exit 0;
if ($retval == 0 ) {
Sys::Syslog::syslog('info', "ClamAV updated");
elsif ($retval == 1 ) {
Sys::Syslog::syslog('info', "ClamAV did not need updating");
} else {
Sys::Syslog::syslog('err', "ClamAV updater failed");
exit 0;
sub LockClamAV {
open(LOCK, ">$LockFile") or return;
flock(LOCK, $LOCK_EX);
print LOCK "Locked for updating ClamAV definitions by $$\n";
sub UnlockClamAV {
print LOCK "Unlocked after updating ClamAV definitions by $$\n";
unlink $LockFile;
flock(LOCK, $LOCK_UN);
close LOCK;
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