How can I get some spam?

Orbitel Webmaster webmaster at ORBITEL.COM
Fri Jul 11 10:43:44 IST 2003

Take a peice of spam off another e-mail account (IE: Hotmail) and 
forward it to the target account.  I've sent you one you can re-use 
and recycle.

-------- Original Message --------

==> From: "Furnish, Trever G" <TGFurnish at HERFF-JONES.COM>
==> Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2003 16:00:36 -0500

:-)  Seriously - I need to test a mailscanner subdomain so I need 
some spam. :-)

I've clicked a few unsubscribe links (modified to reflect the filter 
testing domain), but now I'm out of spam, so any suggestions 
(specifics, not general concepts - got a link?) would be appreciated.

Address that wants spam: tgfurnish at

-- Trever

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