MailScanner not removing virus even though it was found?

Paul Linton paul at CS.UKY.EDU
Thu Jul 10 19:12:44 IST 2003

Solved.  It was simply a matter of trusting the documentation.  I had
read, and ignored, the note about McAfee and symbolic links.  So my
/var/spool/MailScanner/incoming option was really somewhere else.  Since
McAfee was running fine and seeing viruses I didn't think this was an issue.

After a LOT of debugging I tracked it down to the following line(s): lines 976-978

  # McAfee prints the whole path as opposed to
  # ./messages/part so make it the same
  $lastline =~ s/$BaseDir//;

Since I will be trying to keep my .conf files fairly consistent across
domains I would like to change that line to be more forgiving.  If anyone
is interested drop me a line and maybe we can convince someone to incorporate
the change.

- Paul

On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 10:39:25PM -0400, Paul Linton wrote:
> I have a brand new install of MailScanner/Spamassassin/McAfee.  Most
> seems to be working fine, with the exception of virus removal.  MailScanner
> calls McAfee and sees the virus, but then happily sends the message on, virus
> and all, no warning to the recipient, etc.  Did I miss something in the .conf
> file?
Paul Linton      Systems Programmer       paul at
UofK Department of Computer Science       (859) 257-3962

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