My problems continue - Please help ASAP

Julian Field mailscanner at
Tue Jan 21 21:38:29 GMT 2003

At 21:37 21/01/2003, you wrote:
>A new problem(could be related to my other problems) came up on the
>server we have running mailscanner. Mail was not being routed for some
>reason. The server was recieving mail, but it was all getting stuck in
> and/or mqueue.
>I restarted MailScanner(4.10-1) and that didn't seem to do anything.
>We still have a ton of messages in and quite a bit in mqueue
>as well. Should it still deliver everything? It's delivering mail but I
>can't figure out where it's picking it up from.
>Has anyone seen this before. I downloaded the maillog and the only
>problem I see is a lot of timeouts while trying to check the RBL's.
>Currently I'm using ORDB-RBL and Infinite-Monkeys.
>We had problems where our server just dies. Could these timeouts have
>anything to do with it?
>I'm open to any suggestions.

Start by switching off the spam checking.
Make sure you only have 1 version of MailScanner running.
Make sure you only have the sendmail processes running that are started as
part of MailScanner. Be careful you don't have any running with both daemon
options "-bd -q15m".
Make sure all your hardware works.
Make sure you haven't run out of disk space anywhere (do a "df -k" to check).
Run "sendmail -q -v" and see what it prints out as it tries to deliver all
the outgoing queue.

Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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