Writing a extra line to the mail header

Jørgen Giversen jorgen at GIVERSEN.NET
Sun Jan 5 12:28:06 GMT 2003

Jørgen Giversen skrev:

> Dear all
> I am trying to write an extra line into evry mail header.
> In Mailscanner.conf you can specify a vaiable like
> Mail Header = X-MailScanner:
> and the same for spam header and spam score
> How can i automaticaly write an extra line just under the line
> X-MailScanner:
> in all mail headers, with the content X-mailcheck ?
> setup:
> OS=RH7.3
> MTA=Exim 3.36
> Virusscanner=Mailscanner 4.11.1 & Sophos

Never mind  i found out by my self i will use the
headers_add =
in the exim.conf

Best regards
Jørgen Giversen

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