MailScanner support

Julian Field mailscanner at
Thu Feb 27 19:06:48 GMT 2003

At 18:57 27/02/2003, you wrote:
>El 27 Feb 2003 a las 18:21, Julian Field escribió:
> > Please remember that out of these fees I have to pay
> >          VAT (17.5%)
>Do you have to pay VAT even when you are exporting your services? IIRC, at
>least for exporting "goods", VAT was refundable... is this not good for

VAT can be claimed back by UK companies, but that's about it. I'm exporting 
services and VAT is not refundable on this :-(

> >          Employers National Insurance (about 15%)
> >          Employees National Insurance (about 10%)
>Do you pay twice the for Insurance?

Yes. I have to pay the Employer's and the Employee's contributions.

> >          Income tax (about 25 - 30%)
> > The result is that I actually get roughly £30 per hour if I charge £70+VAT.
>Sad thing... :-(

Tell me about it... :(
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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