Spicer, Kevin Kevin.Spicer at BMRB.CO.UK
Wed Feb 26 22:19:19 GMT 2003

I've spent a bit of time putting some stuff into FAQ-O-MATIC this evening for several virus scanners (F-Prot, Sophos & Clam) - including where to get them from, which versions to get, what kind of licenses/ cost implications they have and most importantly installation instructions and how to configure with MailScanner.  [If anyone feels like adding entries for other scanners please feel free to use my entries as templates if you think thats useful]  In the process I picked up a few tips for formatting, as FAQ-O-MATIC doesn't output text exactly as you enter it, I thought I'd post them here in case they can save others some time/ irritation.

* If you want a newline do two newlines (ie leave a blank line) as it seems to ignore the first newline.
* Similarly if you want a blank line put two blank lines as one is ignored (but see exception below)
* If you want to include code indent each line (I used 5 spaces) this causes FAQ-O-MATIC to put the code within <pre> tags, which looks quite nice.  This also preserves a blank line above and below, so you only need one blank line before and after code.
* If you present URLS in full (eg. http://www.mailscanner.info ) they are turned into hyperlinks to the same URL.

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