Sign Clean Messages

Spicer, Kevin Kevin.Spicer at BMRB.CO.UK
Wed Feb 26 21:57:07 GMT 2003

> IANAL, but I'd have thought that the disclaimer, assuming 
> that it serves any
> useful function in the first place, can only be seen to apply 
> to the messages
> to which it is added; if it's already present in a message as 
> a result of
> quoting, so what? -- that's a quoted message and in no way 
> relevant to whether
> or not you are disclaiming anything for the current message...
Thats a fair point, actually - I think I might try that argument before writing any code!

> IMHO the problem lies with people who haven't learnt to trim 
> their quotes
> harshly enough.

Agreed, although I don't rate my chances of getting that message across!

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