SQL logging

Julian Field mailscanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Wed Feb 26 18:56:43 GMT 2003

At 18:52 26/02/2003, you wrote:
> > Surely you can just do the dbh->prepare once before the loop and then run
> > sth->execute inside the loop. Otherwise you are doing loads of "prepare"
> > statements you don't need.
> >
> > Can you test this for me please before I commit the code into the main
> > codebase?
>Are there plans to build a CVS ? If more people start contributing that
>would be wise i think...

There is already a CVS but we don't let you loose on it :-)
Hopefully code contributions to this could be added to the FAQ. If I reckon
they are good and worth distributing, I will include them in the
distribution too. I don't anticipate there being a flood of these, but I
will re-think it if I'm wrong.
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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