MailScanner support

Jan-Peter Koopmann Jan-Peter.Koopmann at SECEIDOS.DE
Tue Feb 25 10:36:28 GMT 2003

Hi Julian,

> Thankyou all for such kind comments!

Well you owned it after all, did you not? :-)

> 1. Membership of private, closed, high-priority mailing list

Sounds fine to me.

> 2. Traditional annual support contract

Depends on the contents of the contract.

> 3. Regular installation of new releases and updated 
> anti-virus engines 

As long as I can download new releases I will install them myself... *g*
I really do not need remote installation support.

> 4. Advice on configuration and 
> installation, paid for as needed 

Personally I think configuration of MailScanner is pretty easy and self
explanatory. Many questions can be answered in a FAQ.

> 5. Remote testing and 
> inspection to ensure your setup looks sane and should work 

Not as a usual service. Maybe in special debug cases like the SA 2.50

> 6. Out of hours support of all the types above (perhaps 
> out-of-hours installation of new releases?) 

And how would you achieve this? I always was under the impression that
you are a one man development/support/etc. team.... :-)

> 7. Support paid 
> for per-incident, possibly paying for a block of time in 
> advance. How you use the time is up to you.

Well you would deserve the money since MailScanner is a great product.
In fact I would even be willing to pay for MailScanner itself and not
only for support. But since you ask: per-incident payment would be the
option I like least.


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