Paul Welsh paul at ESPMAIL.CO.UK
Sun Feb 23 12:14:42 GMT 2003


I'm using version 3.26-1 and keep getting messages like the one below,
even though in mailscanner.conf I have:

Allow IFrame Tags = yes

In filename.rules.conf I don't have the text "Microsoft security".

Can someone pls tell me how to let such messages through?

----- Original Message -----
From: "MailScanner" <postmaster at espmail.co.uk>
To: <postmaster at espmail.co.uk>
Sent: 22 February 2003 18:55
Subject: Warning: E-mail viruses detected

> The following e-mail messages were found to have viruses in them:
>     Sender: <bounce-96644994-4579 at mail137.helpfuloffers.com>
> IP address:
>  Recipient: <paul at espmail.co.uk>
>    Subject: Better Pasta Pot: As Seen On TV
>  MessageID: SAA00793
>     Report: Possible Microsoft security vulnerability attack
> --
> MailScanner
> Email Virus Scanner

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