Custom spam score

Scott Adkins adkinss at OHIO.EDU
Tue Feb 18 20:41:26 GMT 2003

--On Tuesday, February 18, 2003 1:47 PM -0500 Denis Beauchemin 
<Denis.Beauchemin at USHERBROOKE.CA> wrote:

> Joe,
> Whenever I add rules to /etc/MailScanner/spam.assassin.prefs.conf, I
> test them beforehand in ~/.spamassassin/user_prefs with:
> spamassassin --lint
> Your mods gave an error...  I corrected it by removing the "." in all
> occurrences of "EMAILBUCKS.COM".

What if you put a backslash in front of it?  The "." has special meaning
in regular expressions (meaning, "match any character in that position").
I would not have expected the pattern to cause the match to fail, but if
I had to guess, escaping the dot with a backslash should do the work.

I am curious... you said you removed the "." in all the occurrences of
"EMAILBUCKS.COM".  So, what did it look like after that?  Were you just
trying to eliminate the error, or were you also trying to make the rules
work properly?  My guess is that simply removing the dot will not make
the pattern match anything that comes through.  You would have to remove
".COM" and leave "EMAILBUCKS" in order to match something... fortunately,
it is unlikely to cause false positives in this particular case...


> Looks like a period is not valid in a rule tag.
> Denis
> Le mar 18/02/2003 à 12:49, Joe Quinn a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to set custom spam scores for email from certain sources but
>> it doesn't seem to work. In the
>> /etc/MailScanner/spam.assassin.prefs.conf file, I've put;
>> body     HELPFULOFFERS         /
>> describe HELPFULOFFERS         "spam from"
>> score    HELPFULOFFERS         100.0
>> body     EMAILBUCKS.COM         /
>> describe EMAILBUCKS.COM          "spam from"
>> score    EMAILBUCKS.COM          100.0
>> to hopefully catch the reply to address in the body of the email. As I've
>> set the high score spam action to delete, I hoped it would get rid of
>> these.....
>> Any advice please?
>> Joe
> --
> Denis Beauchemin, analyste
> Université de Sherbrooke, S.T.I.
> T: 819.821.8000x2252 F: 819.821.8045

      Scott W. Adkins      
   UNIX Systems Engineer                  mailto:adkinss at
        ICQ 7626282                 Work (740)593-9478 Fax (740)593-1944
     PGP Public Key available at
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