New webmin module released. Version 0.3 Beta

Rose, Bobby brose at MED.WAYNE.EDU
Mon Feb 3 22:38:30 GMT 2003

Under Notices to system administrators, there still needs to be a field
for at least Send Notices.  I think everything can be rule based so you
might want to add fields to all the options that don't already have
them.  I use a rule for the Send Notices to filter out all notifications
from external networks since I can only resolve virus infections on my
own networks.

        -----Original Message-----
        From: Lush, Richard [mailto:Richard.Lush at HP.COM] 
        Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2003 1:41 PM
        Subject: New webmin module released. Version 0.3 Beta

        Hi All, 

        The newest version of the webmin module has been released. 

        Change log for Version 0.3 Beta 
        Fixed: Selecting default on some options deleted them.
        Fixed: Options with more than one space are not saved
        Fixed: Some options were not being saved when changed
        Added: Ruleset editor (Thanks to Craig Bates for the code)
        Added: New options for MailScanner 4.12
        Change: Restart just restarts MailScanner and leaves sendmail

        It can be downloaded from


        Richard Lush 

        Consulting and Integration 
        Security Practice 
        Reading UK  
        Email           richard.lush at <mailto:richard.lush at>

        Mobile           +44 (0) 7788 916941 
        Office           +44 (0) 118 920 2349 
        Fax              +44 (0) 118 920 4612 
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