block message on IP

Pete pete at
Sat Dec 20 12:16:01 GMT 2003

-------- Original Message --------
From:   - Sat Dec 20 23:13:58 2003
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Date:   Sat, 20 Dec 2003 23:13:54 +1100
From:   Pete <pete at>
Reply-To:       pete at
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To:     Bart J. Smit <mailscanner at>
Subject:        Re: block message on IP
References:     <001001c3c636$5cd98a00$8f14a8c0 at>
<3FE30938.3070506 at> <000c01c3c6ed$4900e4d0$0106a8c0 at bart>
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Bart J. Smit wrote:

>Thanks Pete,
>How do I set up sendmail to only accept mail for a local mailbox from a set
>of IP's?
>E.g. I have spam at and
>nospam at These mailboxes are only allowed to receive
>mail from and
>I'm sure it is much more efficient to block messages in sendmail but I find
>MS much easier to configure.
>Will the block encrypted/block unencrypted rules work as well?
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Pete" <pete at>
>Sent: Friday, December 19, 2003 2:20 PM
>Subject: Re: block message on IP
>>Bart J. Smit wrote:
>>>I would like to implement a feedback feature where users can send
>>>false negatives and positives to a set of mailboxes, say spam and
>>>nospam. These would be scanned by sa-learn every hour on a cron job.
>>>Of course it is far too easy for a spammer to submit their spam to
>>>nospam at mailscanner <mailto:nospam at mailscanner> so I want to restrict
>>>the IP addresses that can submit mail to that box to the mail servers
>>>where my users are on.
>>>The MailScanner.conf doesn't seem to offer an option for blocking
>>>messages in a ruleset. The closest I have seen is to block encrypted
>>>and unencrypted messages on the same ruleset.
>>>Does this indeed block all messages? Is there perhaps an easier way to
>>>do this in sendmail?
>>Tis the job of the MTA to accept or not accept mail based on IP or
>>address, not mailscanner? Far more efficiant in your case where you will
>>probably only want 1 or a small amount of subnets/sender domains to be
>>able to send to it?
>>What mail system your clients using?
I forget all i knew (which could be written on a rabit turd) about
sendmail - i think its called the access table?

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