installing problem

Pete pete at
Thu Dec 18 11:03:49 GMT 2003

חואן wrote:

>Hi !
>I installed version 4.25-14.
>I read the install guide but I dont understand the following :
>        You will then need to check the paths for your particular system
>setup. Check the paths in each of these files:
>        /opt/MailScanner/bin/check_mailscanner
>        /opt/MailScanner/bin/MailScanner (just line 1)
>        /opt/MailScanner/lib/MailScanner/
>        /opt/MailScanner/etc/virus.scanners.conf
>        /opt/MailScanner/etc/MailScanner.conf
>        /opt/MailScanner/lib/*
>        You should also compile the "tnef" binary for your system. The
>source code (and compiled versions for Solaris and Linux) are in the "bin"
>directory in the MailScanner tar file you downloaded. I advise you put the
>"tnef" program into somewhere such as /opt/MailScanner/bin/tnef. You will
>also need to check the MailScanner.conf file to ensure that the setting for
>"TNEF Expander" points to where you put the program
>my questions are :
>1.what I need to check on the above paths in the above files? after I did
>./ from within MailScanner-4.25-14  foIder,I got another folder
>(/opt/mailscanner) and inside it there inst  any
>/opt/MailScanner/bin/check_mailscanner  file at all.
>2. I didnt find any tnef in /opt/MailScanner/bin I did find it in /usr/bin
>tnef Is that what they mean in the install guide?
>thanks very much
What OS did you install this on? If you used Red Hat, then just do 
check_MailScanner or service MailScanner start etc and look in 
/etc/MailScanner/ for the conf files - do a locate -u and update the DB 
and then you can search for these files easily using locate filename

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