Mailwatch & clamav module

Peter C. Ndikuwera pndiku at DSMAGIC.COM
Mon Dec 8 14:12:55 GMT 2003

If you're using the clamav module, you may want to add the following
line to /var/www/html/mailscanner/functions.php to correctly parse virus

define(VIRUS_REGEX, '/(.+) infected: (\S+)/');              //

A Patch file is attached
Peter C. Ndikuwera <pndiku at>
Digital Solutions Ltd
-------------- next part --------------
--- functions.php.old   2003-12-08 17:12:18.285244256 +0300
+++ functions.php       2003-12-08 17:11:16.093698808 +0300
@@ -42,8 +42,9 @@

 // Regex to pick up the virus names from the reports.
 //// Change this to match the output of one of your scanners.
-define(VIRUS_REGEX, '/(\S+) was infected by (\S+)/');          // SophosSAVI
+//define(VIRUS_REGEX, '/(\S+) was infected by (\S+)/');                // SophosSAVI
 //define(VIRUS_REGEX, '/(.+) contains (\S+)/');                // ClamAV
+define(VIRUS_REGEX, '/(.+) infected: (\S+)/');              // ClamAVModule
 //define(VIRUS_REGEX, '/(>>>) Virus \'(.+)\' found/');         // Sophos
 //define(VIRUS_REGEX, '/(.+) Infection: (\S+)/';               // F-prot
 //define(VIRUS_REGEX, '/(.+) Found the (\S+) virus !!!/');     // McAfee

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