was blank, now Clam autoupdate, add f-prot

G. Armour Van Horn vanhorn at whidbey.com
Sun Aug 31 05:49:37 IST 2003

Okay, I tried that and got this result:

     [root at vanquish f-prot]# ./check-updates.sh
     The check-updates.sh script has been replaced by a perl script:
     The check-updates.sh script has been deprecated
     Please make appropriate changes to your crontab entries.

     * F-Prot Antivirus Updater            *

     There's a new version of:
     "Document/Office/Macro viruses" signatures on the web.
     Starting to download...
     Could not get file. at ./check-updates.sh line 542.

Deprecated, eh? Okay, let's find the Perl script. (One level down in

     [root at vanquish tools]# ./check-updates.pl
     * F-Prot Antivirus Updater            *

     There's a new version of:
     "Document/Office/Macro viruses" signatures on the web.
     Starting to download...
     Could not get file. at ./check-updates.pl line 542.

Interesting, same line number. Anyway, I ran the MailScanner update:

     [root at vanquish MailScanner]# ./f-prot-autoupdate
     FTP address for retrieving files is
     F-Prot signature file update script
     There is a new version of SIGN.DEF, starting download.
     Download completed.
     Fatal error while unzipping fp-def.zip,

It sat there at "starting download." for about ten minutes before I
canceled it. So I tried my script from the old machine, and got this in
less than 30 seconds:

     [root at vanquish f-prot]# ./update-signs.sh
     --21:44:06--  http://www.f-prot.com/cgi-bin/get_randomly?fp-def
                => `get_randomly?fp-def'
     Resolving www.f-prot.com... done.
     Connecting to www.f-prot.com[]:80... connected.
     HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
     Location: ftp://us-3.updates.f-prot.com/pub/fp-def.zip
     --21:44:06--  ftp://us-3.updates.f-prot.com/pub/fp-def.zip
                => `fp-def.zip'
     Resolving us-3.updates.f-prot.com... done.
     Connecting to us-3.updates.f-prot.com[]:21...
     Logging in as anonymous ... Logged in!
     ==> SYST ... done.    ==> PWD ... done.
     ==> TYPE I ... done.  ==> CWD /pub ... done.
     ==> PORT ... done.    ==> RETR fp-def.zip ... done.
     Length: 1,293,381 (unauthoritative)

     1,293,381     79.46K/s    ETA 00:00

     21:44:24 (79.46 KB/s) - `fp-def.zip' saved [1293381]

     Archive:  fp-def.zip
       inflating: SIGN.DEF
       inflating: SIGN.ASC
       inflating: SIGN2.DEF
       inflating: SIGN2.ASC

Is there possibly some difference between the way the other scripts are
calling for the file and the way wget does it? Something that might
suggest a problem with the firewall, perhaps? My script is this:

     wget http://www.f-prot.com/cgi-bin/get_randomly?fp-def
     /usr/bin/unzip -fo fp-def.zip
     rm -f fp-def.zip

I'd really like to not have to babysit this, as you can imagine. I also
don't want to download the files every hour when they aren't needed. Any
hints are welcome, believe me.


Kevin Spicer wrote:

> On Sat, 2003-08-30 at 16:59, G. Armour Van Horn wrote:
> >Aug 30 08:20:10 vanquish F-Prot autoupdate[2301]: Download of
> >ftp://ftp.f-prot.com/pub/fp-def.zip failed, exiting,
> Try /usr/local/f-prot/check_updates.sh, see if f-prot's own updater
> works.  If yes then theres probably a problem with MailScanners update
> script, if no then its probably a problem with your setup.
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