Missing modules

G. Armour Van Horn vanhorn at whidbey.com
Sat Aug 30 07:04:22 IST 2003

After a clumsy attempt at installing Mailwatch, I blew away some files
and reinstalled the MailScanner RPM.

I ended up with a completely empty /usr/lib/MailScanner/MailScanner, and
for some reason runnign the RPMs again didn't fill it in. Even rerunning
4.23-7 and then 4.23-9 didn't get them back. I copied some over from my
older server, but now that I've reinstalled everyhting in sight I had to
comment a bunch of modules out of MailScanner itself to get it to run:

# Van) use MailScanner::MCPMessage;
# Van) use MailScanner::MCP;
# Van) use MailScanner::SweepOther;
# Van) use MailScanner::SweepViruses;
# Van) use MailScanner::TNEF;
# Van) use MailScanner::WorkArea;

Are these files part of MailScanner, or part of Mailwatch? If they are
MailScanner, why isn't the installer putting them back when they are
missing, and how can I get it to do so?


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