was blank, now Clam autoupdate

Miguel Koren miguelk at KONSULTEX.COM.BR
Sat Aug 30 04:21:19 IST 2003


You're absolutely right, I see that it's trying an update every 
hour and the last time it succeeded checks with the db date:

Aug 28 17:01:06 rivendell ClamAV-autoupdate[29579]: ClamAV updated

So, the conclusion I come to from this experience is that it's best for 
Mailscanner to start it. I use MS 4.22-5 (Clamav 0.60). Is the longer time 
out fix in 4-22 or 4-23?

Someone mentioned html in the mails. Sorry about that. I suppose the mail 
client decided on it's own when I pasted the db date from the Clamav site.


On Fri, 29 Aug 2003, Kevin Spicer wrote:

> On Fri, 2003-08-29 at 21:41, Miguel Koren O'Brien de Lacy wrote: I have
> >an update to this situation. I checked the actual db files (on 3
> >servers):
> >-rw-r--r--    1 clamav   clamav    1319031 Aug 26 14:09 viruses.db
> >-rw-r--r--    1 clamav   clamav      20802 Aug 28 17:01 viruses.db2
> >and I see that I do have the latest db, it's just not logged.
> Are you sure that MailScanner isn't running the updates too (the rpm
> version does by default).  It should log the fact to your maillog.

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