New F-PROT 4.20 & MailScanner Error

Kham Vue kvue at WADSNET.COM
Thu Aug 28 20:03:01 IST 2003

I'm using MS 3.23.4 and just upgraded to F-PROT version 4.20 and I get the
following errors:
---------------- start of log ----------
Aug 28 14:55:11 smtp mailscanner[14941]: Scanning 1 messages, 21417 bytes
Aug 28 14:55:12 smtp mailscanner[14941]: Either you've found a bug in
MailScanner's F-Prot output parser, or F-Prot's output format has changed!
F-Prot said this "Search: .". Please mail the author of MailScanner
Aug 28 14:55:12 smtp mailscanner[14941]: Either you've found a bug in
MailScanner's F-Prot output parser, or F-Prot's output format has changed!
F-Prot said this "Action: Report only". Please mail the author of
Aug 28 14:55:12 smtp mailscanner[14941]: Either you've found a bug in
MailScanner's F-Prot output parser, or F-Prot's output format has changed!
F-Prot said this "Files: "Dumb" scan of all files". Please mail the author
of MailScanner
Aug 28 14:55:12 smtp mailscanner[14941]: Either you've found a bug in
MailScanner's F-Prot output parser, or F-Prot's output format has changed!
F-Prot said this "Switches: -ARCHIVE -OLD". Please mail the author of
Aug 28 14:55:12 smtp mailscanner[14941]: Scanned 1 messages, 21417 bytes in
1 seconds
Aug 28 14:55:49 smtp mailscanner[14941]: MailScanner E-Mail Virus Scanner
version 3.23-4 starting.
Aug 28 14:55:49 smtp mailscanner[14941]: Configuring mailscanner for
Aug 28 14:55:49 smtp mailscanner[14941]: Using locktype = flock
-----  end of log ---

I took a look at f-protwrapper and there's no switch or settings there.
Anyone got a clue?

---- here's my f-protwrapper ---
#ScanOptions="$ScanOptions -old"                # don't complain about old
#ScanOptions="$ScanOptions -archive"            # scan archives
#ScanOptions="$ScanOptions -dumb"               # don't try to be smart
about fi
le types
#ScanOptions="$ScanOptions -auto"               # no prompts

#ScanOptions="$ScanOptions -ai"                 # use neural network
#ScanOptions="$ScanOptions -noheur"             # no heuristics
#ScanOptions="$ScanOptions -saferemove"         # remove all macros from
docs wh
en known virus found
#ScanOptions="$ScanOptions -removeall"          # remove all macros from all
#ScanOptions="$ScanOptions -removenew"          # remove all macros from
d docs
# No, I don't know what the difference between removenew and saferemove is.
# maybe it has something to do with how the virus was detected (heuristics/
# signatures)?

exec ${PackageDir}/$Scanner $ScanOptions "$@"

----------end of wrapper ---------------------
Thankx in advance

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