It seems that viruses CAN slip through MailScanner under high load!

Edward Mitchell ed at THE7THBEER.COM
Thu Aug 28 03:28:51 IST 2003

> I *think* you can tune sendmail so that if the system load reaches x.xx, it
> will stop accepting mail.  Might be worth looking into.  You might also
> consider lowering the number of messages MS works with per batch.  I believe
> the default is 100.  Try lowering that to say 30 or so.

Pertinent entries from

# load average at which we just queue messages
#O QueueLA=8  <---this should do the job

# load average at which we refuse connections
#O RefuseLA=12

# load average at which we delay connections; 0 means no limit
#O DelayLA=0

ed at

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