syslog: spamassasin and vira info goes to messages file rest goes to maillog file.

Julian Field mailscanner at
Wed Aug 27 19:47:11 IST 2003

Read "man syslog.conf". You probably have something else containing mail
stuff (or *.info or something like that) going to /var/log/messages. This
is nothing to do with MailScanner, it's your syslog setup.

At 19:25 27/08/2003, you wrote:
>I simply cant get Mailscanner to put out the log-info info the right
>files. I want everyting into /var/log/maillog, but all info like:
>Aug 27 20:20:03 ns2 razord2[8466]: Using locktype = flock
>Aug 27 20:20:11 ns2 razord2[8509]: Using locktype = flock
>Aug 27 20:20:15 ns2 razord2[8461]: Virus and Content Scanning: Starting
>Aug 27 20:20:16 ns2 razord2[8461]: Filename Checks: Allowing
>Aug 27 20:20:16 ns2 razord2[8461]: Filetype Checks: Allowing
>Aug 27 20:20:16 ns2 razord2[8461]: Uninfected: Delivered 1 messages
>Aug 27 20:20:21 ns2 razord2[8321]: Message UAA08316 from
>(offers at thecasinoaffiliate .....
>goes into /var/log/messages
>I have set syslog facility to mail, and syslog.conf says
>mail.*                     /var/log/maillog
>does anyone know how to fix this ?
>Im using Mailscanner 4.23-5 on a Cobalt RaQ3

Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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