Osirusoft question
NTIN Page Guy
pages at ntin.net
Wed Aug 27 15:47:20 IST 2003
Hello Matthew,
spam.list.conf only translates the RBL names.
such as osirusoft.com is translated to the actual RBL server address
of relays.osirusoft.com.
To actually stop RBL lookup on that RBL you should make sure
osirusoft.com does not appear in the "Spam List =" directive in your
Unless Im just horribly confused.
Wednesday, August 27, 2003, you wrote:
MB> Hi
MB> I commented out relays.osirusoft.com in my spam.lists.conf and reloaded
MB> MailScanner. However I am seeing instances of spam emails including the
MB> Which is being polled from SpamAssassins 20_head_test.cf
MB> # Osirusoft, like MAPS RBL+ is a multi-meaning BL, so it is treated
MB> separately
MB> header RCVD_IN_OSIRUSOFT_COM rbleval:check_rbl('osirusoft',
MB> 'relays.osirusoft.com.')
MB> describe RCVD_IN_OSIRUSOFT_COM Received via a relay in
MB> relays.osirusoft.com
MB> The majority of e-mail i've seen today with the OSIRUSOFT score isn't spam
MB> at all.
MB> So how does one stop the OSIRUSOFT scoring? Comment it out in the .cf file
MB> and restart MailScanner?
MB> Hmm, perhaps I should set skip_rbl_checks 1 ?
MB> Thanks
MB> Matthew
Best regards,
Robert B, NTIN mailto:pages at ntin.net
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