upgraded zmailer installation instructions

Mariano Absatz mailscanner at LISTS.COM.AR
Fri Aug 22 19:49:25 IST 2003

Hi Julian,

in http://baby.com.ar/MailScanner/doc/install/zmailer.shtml I left an updated
version of zmailer installation instructions so you can replace the ones at
http://www.sng.ecs.soton.ac.uk/mailscanner/install/zmailer.shtml with these.

The instructions now cover both RPM and manual installation, and startup
scripts are provided where necessary. The RPM instructions are valid for
MailScanner 4.23-5 and above (since at that point I think you included
support for zmailer in the init.d & sysconfig scripts).

In the document there are some referenced scripts and patches that are
located in http://baby.com.ar/MailScanner/StartupScripts/ and in

All of these references are absolute, so you can just copy the html from
http://baby.com.ar/MailScanner/doc/install/zmailer.shtml to
http://www.sng.ecs.soton.ac.uk/mailscanner/install/zmailer.shtml and that's

However, if you prefer to copy the referenced scripts and patches to your
server and edit the HTML so the links are relative, feel free to do it (I
think it'd be better so everything's in the same place, anyway, I don't have
any problem at all keeping the scripts & patches here).

Mariano Absatz
El Baby
I.R.S.: We've got what it takes to take what you've got!

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