How 2 drop email w/ .pif attached

Julian Field mailscanner at
Wed Aug 20 16:46:05 IST 2003

"Deliver Cleaned Messages = no" should solve the real problem for you.

At 13:48 20/08/2003, you wrote:
>   We are getting slammed with email that has .pif attachements.  I
>   think this is the sobig.f problem.
>   In our filename.rules.conf file, .pif attachments are set to the
>   deny action, which causes an email to be sent stating that the
>   message was blocked.  Is there away to simply delete any email
>   with .pif attachments?
>   TIA.
>Tom Combs                                      E-mail: combs at
>National High Magnetic Field Laboratory        Phone:  (850) 644-1657
>1800 E. Paul Dirac Drive                       Tallahassee, FL 32310

Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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