
Raymond Dijkxhoorn raymond at PROLOCATION.NET
Thu Aug 14 11:18:48 IST 2003


> Can a few other people try this out please, and let me know if it works for
> everyone. The line to edit is in /usr/lib/MailScanner/clamav-wrapper.

> >ScanOptions="$ScanOptions --unzip --unarj --unrar --tar --tgz --lha"

> >and this works. I lied by the way: The clamav port does not install
> >unzoo, unace, jar, deb...

I have it running on one of my machines. I also installed unarj, unrar and
lha, not sure if they are needed, is Clam using it internally or will it
use some external programs for the above mentioned ones ?


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