MySQL logging

Kearney, Rob RKearney at AZERTY.COM
Mon Aug 11 19:31:45 IST 2003

Supposing your using SQLLogging that comes with MailScanner, and have this
enabled this in your MailScanner.conf,

1) Did you change the DSN/connection string in EndSQLLogging function in to point to a different host.

2) MailScanner writes to a temp-file, and will purge these to the Database
when MailScanner is gracefully killed,   try to stop and start Mailscanner
to see the results, otherwise, wait for MailScanner to restart, depending on
the "Restart Every" option in MailScanner.conf


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Campbell [mailto:Chris.Campbell at FAC.COM]
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 1:08 PM
Subject: MySQL logging

I have done all the documented changes needed for SQL logging, and I see no
errors in the maillog.  I have tested to make sure the mailscanner box can
log into the remote mysql server with the supplied username and password.

Has anyone else ran across any problems logging to a remote mysql box?  Can
anyone help me out here?

Christopher S. Campbell
UNIX Admin
First Albany Corp
chris.campbell at

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