POSTFIX release from quarantine (WAS: How to let through innocent messages)

Julian Field mailscanner at
Thu Aug 7 15:04:02 IST 2003

At 14:07 07/08/2003, you wrote:
> >>I am running Postfix+MS+SA, all the latest stable versions. I grepped
> >>"Subject" from quarantine directory and I noticed some message weren't
> >>spam. How can I elegantly forward those messages where they belong?
> >>
> >In the MailScanner.conf is an option to save the quarantined messages as
> >queue files:
> >"Quarantine Whole Messages As Queue Files = yes"
> >
> >If this option is set to yes, you should be able to just move those save
> >queue files into you postfix queue (I'm not very familiar with postfix)
> >and they should be re-delivered! Be aware that the mail doesn't go
> >trough you spam checking again :)
>I have tried this and I believe postfix either doesn't allow this, OR I'm
>doing something wrong:
>Any ideas what i could be doing wrong?

Postfix queue files are named according to the inode number of the file, so
dropping files back into the queue is a non-trivial exercise. I'm sure
someone out there can write you a script to do it.
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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