Can't parse sub ProcessBitdefenderOutput

Antony Stone Antony at SOFT-SOLUTIONS.CO.UK
Thu Aug 7 10:22:15 IST 2003

On Thursday 07 August 2003 10:13 am, Kamil Ju?ík - AFX wrote:

> Hi,
> this Bitdefender scanner it have output in ANSI format. It comes to
> this, that function sub ProcessBitdefenderOutput
> catch direct output from Bitdefender program bdc for parse, start up
> problem for parsing ^[[1;31;40minfected: EICAR-Test-File (not a
> virus)^[[0;37;40m. Can't found infected:, because it search for
> \tinfected: I don't know how dispense it. It's chance parse from
> LogFile=/tmp/log.bdc.$$? (Bitdefender-wrapper). This log have all lines
> with \t and it's correct.

I seem to recall the last time BitDefender came up on this mailing list a 
month or two back, the general opinion was that it wasn't a very good 
anti-virus system, because there seemed to be a lot of viruses it didn't 

What's the benefit / advantage of trying to use the output of BitDefender 
(especially if it's the sort of program which puts ANSI colour sequences in 
piped output), instead of any of the other antivirus engines supported by 



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