Can't parse sub ProcessBitdefenderOutput

Kamil Juřík - AFX jurik at
Thu Aug 7 10:13:19 IST 2003


this Bitdefender scanner it have output in ANSI format. It comes to
this, that function sub ProcessBitdefenderOutput
catch direct output from Bitdefender program bdc for parse, start up
problem for parsing ^[[1;31;40minfected: EICAR-Test-File (not a
virus)^[[0;37;40m. Can't found infected:, because it search for
\tinfected: I don't know how dispense it. It's chance parse from
LogFile=/tmp/log.bdc.$$? (Bitdefender-wrapper). This log have all lines
with \t and it's correct.

Kamil Jurik

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