[OT] Mailscanner With TMDA (Tagged Message Delivery Agent)

Julian Field mailscanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Wed Aug 6 21:49:29 IST 2003

At 21:19 06/08/2003, you wrote:
>At 01:04 PM 8/6/2003 -0400, Jason Skala wrote:
>>Has one used Mailscanner with TMDA before? Or currently?
>>TMDA is a spamassasin replacement that gives users more control
>>with what gets whitelisted and blacklisted on the system. here
>>is a link for anyone that hasn't heard of it. http://www.us.tmda.net/.
>As a side note, I generally refuse to reply to TMDA generated messages
>unless I am starting a conversation. I simply trash them if someone posts a
>question to a mailing list and my reply gets TMDA'ed.
>Personally I find that TMDA "solves" your spam problem by making it harder
>for people who you do want mail from to get in touch with you. While it's
>not a massive inconvenience, I feel it's a wrong-way approach to the problem.

I have a simple policy of not replying to challenge/response systems at all.

I *very* rarely communicate with people who have not contacted me first (or
who I have communicated with before). If someone mails me and wants a
response, it is up to them to configure their mail system so that it
accepts mail from me. If they request help from me and can't be bothered to
allow mail from me in reply, then I can't be bothered to help them.

Fortunately not many people use these systems, but it pisses me off royally
when I have spent my time and effort writing a reply to their problem, only
to have it rejected by their mail system. They tend to get put to the back
of the queue if they ask for help again, too.

Just my 2p worth on the subject...
Julian Field
Professional Support Services at www.MailScanner.biz
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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