Update on F-prot issue

Plant, Dean dean.plant at ROKE.CO.UK
Wed Aug 6 10:15:39 IST 2003

I just ftp'd to ftp.f-prot.com its under /pub/linux


-----Original Message-----
From: Erik Jakobsen [mailto:eja at URBAKKEN.DK]
Sent: 06 August 2003 10:12
Subject: Re: Update on F-prot issue


On the f-prot homepage, I cannot find an updated version for Linux
Workstations on the home user page. Is it to be found in another place ?.
Med venlig hilsen - Best regards.
Erik Jakobsen - eja at urbakken.dk.
Licensed radioamateur with the callsign OZ4KK.
SuSE Linux 8.2 Proff.
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