Updated f-prot not detecting mimail...

Raymond Dijkxhoorn raymond at PROLOCATION.NET
Tue Aug 5 20:58:34 IST 2003


> Aug  5 10:17:22 smithers MailScanner[1688]: Saved infected "message.zip"
> to /var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine/20030805/h75EHLv07503
> f-prot:
> f-prot /var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine/20030805/h75EHLv07503/
> Virus scanning report  -  5 August 2003 @ 15:49

Most likely this is either a new variant or not a virus at all, can you
look inside the zip ? It works ok on my box currently.

I can send you a Mimail zip if you like so you know your setup is working.
Clam did catch it all the time allready.


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