Followup on July Etrust discussion

Alan Fiebig mailscanner at ELKNET.NET
Tue Aug 5 20:56:24 IST 2003


Just as a gentle reminder now that your vacation is over, here are a couple of posts regarding the good pricing offered to us to use Etrust Inoculate. Right before you left on vacation you felt you might work on supporting (wrapper and update) for this product. Just wondering if its still on track, I'm very interested in this solution. Thanks!



Julian posted on June 30th:
Have just been sent this, may be interesting reading for many people:

>A CA sales representative called and asked how the evaluation was going. I
>explained our setup with 15.000+ accounts beeing protected by MailScanner
>and how we used f-prot today. After a little questions/answers back and
>forth to make sure he fully understood our setup I asked how much it would
>be to use CA eTrust along with f-prot.
>Apparently their licensing policy is a bit different from others. He claimed
>they aim to take a "large portion" of the market so they are very aggressive
>with their prices.
>For us it would be about $55 for two servers. Each "node" is licensed as
>just a node, they dont care how many it serves (citrix beeing the only
>exception to the rule)
>1-99 nodes is approx $28 per node
>There is no limitation on availability for antivirus signatures either, not
>in time or product version. It is "for life" he claimed.

Julian posted on July 1st:
Sorry I haven't had a chance to look at this. It's unlikely to happen
before August now as I am going to have to live without bandwidth for most
of July (on "holiday", whatever one of those is...). I guess it's a bit
like being in hospital and hence not having a PC, but there again I had a
laptop then and our local hospital has networked workstation rooms in it.
This "holiday" thing is going to be a very strange experience :-)

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