Blacklist header scanning

Mikael Lönnroth gml at ADVANCEVPN.COM
Mon Aug 4 21:19:31 IST 2003

From: "Ken Anderson" <ka at PACIFIC.NET>
> Mikael Lönnroth wrote:
> > Clients like Outlook Express use header information only so it gets a
> > confusing for the blacklist admin. Looks like I have to look at the code
> > myself then :-)

> If you really want to use blacklists for spam protection, you'd probably
> need to create a system so that a user could simply forward an email to
> a script or a human that could determine the original envelope FROM,
> based on the mail log.

Here is an easier way actually (which probably is in no way within the
guidelines of either perl or MailScanner coding). It includes the real from
as a part of the information header value.

Information Header Value = Real from is: %f patch (4.13-3):
>     $infovalue =~ s/%f/$this->{from}/;
>     $infovalue =~ s/%f/$this->{from}/;
>     $infovalue =~ s/%f/$this->{from}/;

Mikael Lönnroth

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