MIME::Parser: can't open tmpfile: Invalid argument

Julian Field mailscanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Wed Apr 30 21:58:40 IST 2003

The usual cause of this is having MailScanner 3 and 4 working at the same time.
Check you have removed the cron job that checks to ensure 3 is running, and
that you have stopped all 3 processes before starting any 4 ones.

If you aren't running sendmail, check that the permissions of
/var/spool/MailScanner allow the "Run As User" and "Run As Group" to write
to it.

At 21:24 30/04/2003, you wrote:
>I have been using MailScanner for quite some time now, and I have to
>say that it has been working great. However, I recently brought a new
>mail server online and attempted to install the latest version - I am
>getting errors that I can't seem to resolve. Has anyone else seen
>these, or is it obvious what is wrong? I am running FreeBSD 5.0, Perl
>5.8.0, sendmail 8.12.8 and the recommended versions of all required
>perl modules. (My working copy was MS 3.20 on FreeBSD 4.1 with sendmail
>here is the maillog output:
>Apr 30 15:54:42 krusty MailScanner[3088]: MailScanner E-Mail Virus
>Scanner version 4.14-9 starting...
>Apr 30 15:54:42 krusty MailScanner[3088]: Using locktype = flock
>Apr 30 15:54:52 krusty MailScanner[3092]: MailScanner E-Mail Virus
>Scanner version 4.14-9 starting...
>Apr 30 15:54:52 krusty MailScanner[3092]: Using locktype = flock
>Apr 30 15:54:57 krusty MailScanner[3092]: New Batch: Scanning 1
>messages, 13335 bytes
>Apr 30 15:54:57 krusty MailScanner[3092]: Cannot parse
>/var/spool/MailScanner/incoming/3092/h3UJss6F003090.header and ,
>MIME::Parser: can't open tmpfile: Invalid argument
>Any advice would be greatly appreciated...
>sidenote: on my old system, mailscanner always ran as a single
>process... however now it starts out as 2, and the number of instances
>steadily increases until I kill them all off.

Julian Field
Professional Support Services at www.MailScanner.biz
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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