MS, SA, Bayes, locking(?)

Henrik Lewander henrik at LEWANDER.COM
Thu Apr 24 13:53:50 IST 2003

I get a lot of these messages (on the console):
Cannot open bayes_path /var/mail/.spamassassin/bayes R/W: File exists

Somebody know what's happening?

I also have two running mailscanners, is that normal? If I stop and restart
it I only get one for a while.
mail     11680     1  2 14:02 ?        00:00:44 /usr/bin/perl
/usr/sbin/mailscanner /etc/mailscanner/mailscanner.conf
mail     13567 11680 15 14:38 ?        00:00:03 /usr/bin/perl
/usr/sbin/mailscanner /etc/mailscanner/mailscanner.conf

Also a last question: I still get these header lines sometimes:
X-MailScanner-SpamCheck: not spam, SpamAssassin ()
Is this when SA times out?

I'm running 3.27.1 on Debian.

Regards, Henrik

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