Speed tests (Was Re: MS on RH8 + Exchange)

Julian Field mailscanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Thu Apr 24 09:17:14 IST 2003

At 22:16 23/04/2003, you wrote:
> > > > If you can beat 1.5 million messages per day (including 3 RBL's and
> > > > SpamAssassin) on a PC, I would like to know. I did that using Exim.
> > >What machine was that ? I am currently testing MailScanner on a Dual Xeon
> > >2.6, lets see if we can push those limits up :)
> > Dual Xeon 2.4 <advert>kindly donated by those kind people at
> Transtec</advert>.
>ROFL :) Okay, neat! I guess the 2.6 will do about the same. What did you
>get with sendmail instead of Exim btw? Just curious, or didnt you test
>that on the same machine ?

An "out of the box" sendmail config behaved very badly, as it limited
itself to 1 queue runner at a time and silly things like that. I would be
happy to test a "tuned" sendmail config.

I use a 60,000 message test set, which is our incoming mail feed which I
captured for a while. The tests also include the load caused by the
incoming and outgoing SMTP traffic (the test involves 3 machines).
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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