on tmpfs

Raymond Dijkxhoorn raymond at PROLOCATION.NET
Wed Apr 9 21:03:10 IST 2003


> >I mounted  /var/spool/ on tmpfs and I keep getting this output.
> >Sould I worry about it ?
> >Apr  9 18:08:47 mailscanner MailScanner[18768]: /var/spool/ &
> >/var/spool/mqueue must be on the same filesystem/partition!

> Yes, you should. MailScanner will not operate unless the incoming and
> outgoing queue directories are on the same partition. Running with
> or mqueue on tmpfs is very dangerous unless you don't mind losing
> your customers' mail when you reboot your server.
> You can run with MailScanner/incoming on tmpfs quite safely, and it's worth
> doing on a server with high load as it saves a whole load of disk i/o.

And dont forget to alter the f-prot wrapper if you run f-prot ...

RamDisk=yes # Set this to yes if you are running in ramdisk or tmpfs


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