on tmpfs

Julian Field mailscanner at
Wed Apr 9 20:24:47 IST 2003

At 17:49 09/04/2003, you wrote:
>Hi all
>I mounted  /var/spool/ on tmpfs and I keep getting this output.
>Sould I worry about it ?
>Apr  9 18:08:47 mailscanner MailScanner[18768]: /var/spool/ &
>/var/spool/mqueue must be on the same filesystem/partition!

Yes, you should. MailScanner will not operate unless the incoming and
outgoing queue directories are on the same partition. Running with or mqueue on tmpfs is very dangerous unless you don't mind losing
your customers' mail when you reboot your server.
You can run with MailScanner/incoming on tmpfs quite safely, and it's worth
doing on a server with high load as it saves a whole load of disk i/o.
Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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