Score is -35 but it is still marked as s p a m, why?

Lewis Bergman lbergman at WTXS.NET
Mon Apr 7 13:49:04 IST 2003

Donovan Huff | HUFF DATA SYSTEMS said:
> Okay it must have been a bug with the previous version(s) of MailScanner
> and/or SpamAssassin because it is working now with the auto whitelisting
> off.  It might have also been another option in the
> /etc/init.d/MailScanner that I had changed, but now went back to the
> stock MailScanner init.d script.
Most likely not a bug. Auto whitelisting is not a good feature to use for
a site wide implementation. There was a lengthy explanation of why a few
months back. The long and the short of it is a spammer can manipulate the
auto whitelist, accidently or on purpose, so their mail goes through
exactly as you noticed.
Lewis Bergman
Texas Communications
4309 Maple ST.
Abilene, TX 79602

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