Virus scanner lock file not removed

Desai, Jason jase at SENSIS.COM
Fri Apr 4 15:22:09 IST 2003

Check the ownership and permissions of the lock file.  Perhaps you have
virus update script running as root create the file, but MailScanner
(running as user mail for Exim maybe) tries to lock the file but does not
have permission?

If this is the case, instead of deleting the file, try changing the owner of
it to mail, or whoever you run MailScanner as.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Osborne [mailto:david.osborne at NOTTINGHAM.AC.UK]
> Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 8:55 AM
> Subject: [MAILSCANNER] Virus scanner lock file not removed
> On our systems with MailScanner & Sophos, the sophos-autoupdate script
> creates /tmp/SophosBusy.lock but the file is never removed, preventing
> MailScanner from running. If I remove the file manually, everything is
> OK until the next hourly check. What's wrong with our installation?
> We're using MailScanner 4-12-2 (installed from RPM), Sophos,
> Exim 3.36,
> running on RedHat 8.0
> --
> David Osborne <david.osborne at>
> Information Services, University of Nottingham

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