ANNOUNCE: MailScanner Monitor (msmon) 0.05

Desai, Jason jase at SENSIS.COM
Thu Apr 3 20:39:41 IST 2003


I have attached a simple program that I created that will monitor the output
of MailScanner logs.  It is a real time monitor, and will give the status of
each MailScanner process.  It is written in perl and uses the Gtk perl
module.  I originally wrote it to get a better idea of what MailScanner was
doing, since watching the log file got too complicated with multiple

Changes since version 0.03:

*  Everything done in perl now - no external commands are run
*  Added ability to catch when MailScanner restarts for MailScanner >= 4.13
(I have not been able to test this yet, as I am still running MailScanner
*  Added ability to have multiple rows - just specify the max number of
columns, and msmon will add rows as needed
*  Added Total "Other Checks" for each process
*  Added Longest Wait Time for messages in the queue
*  Some better error messages

msmon works for my MailScanner setup (Exim, Debian (Woody), MailScanner
4.12).  You should be able to get it to work with your setup with some minor
changes to variables at the top of the script (please check them before
running the script).  I hope someone else may find this useful.

Contributions and comments are welcome.


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