
Kevin Anderson andersjk at SOL-INVICTUS.ORG
Thu Apr 3 10:34:22 IST 2003

Hi all,

I have a really strange problem with the whitelists, normally from a
certain travel company they send email all in caps, I have in the
whitelist this labeled as:

From:   *@COMPANY.COM   yes
From:   *@company.com   yes

also the whole address... user etc... sometimes it works sometimes it
doesn't... after checking quarantine I see that the messages aren't even
marked (whitelisted) when I do a test by telneting to port 25 and writing
a mail by hand I do see in the header of this mail that it is whitelisted.

Anyone else have problems with this??? Is there maybe on a busy server, we
block daily around 1700 spam mails, that there is a chance it doesn't
check the whitelist?

thanks in advance,

kevin anderson

chaos, panic and disorder... my job is done...

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