rogue messages in mail queue

Raymond Dijkxhoorn raymond at PROLOCATION.NET
Wed Apr 2 06:53:03 IST 2003


> I recently started using MailScanner/SA/Razor2 and I must say that it
> ROCKS! It has reduced my spam by approximately 90 percent. I have noticed
> that since I implemented these tools I have been getting some mails stuck
> in my mail queue. The message info are similar to the snipit below...
> ~~snip~~
> qfh3130Vj06415 Mon, 31 Mar 2003 22:00:31 -0500 "MailScanner"
> <postmaster at> diet at 846 b Deferred: Connection
> timed out with
> ~~end snip~~
> I get about 5 or 6 a day that I delete manually. Can anyone explain why
> these are getting stuck in the queue and possibly offer a fix for this issue?

Its retun responses, you dont need to delete those, your MTA will take
care of this. Its normal.


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