ANNOUNCE: Version 3.23-3 released

Maurizio Matteo Munafo' munafo at PREZZEMOLO.POLITO.IT
Wed Sep 25 18:55:32 IST 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 25 September 2002 19:22, Julian Field wrote:
> At 15:43 25/09/2002, you wrote:
> >One more question. In 4.00, will virus infected Iframe messages be clearly
> >identified as both (reporting the name of the infecting virus in the
> > message to the user and the fact of being affected by a 'Microsoft
> > security attack')?
> Yes.
> >Just because, at the moment, the Microsoft check completely hide the virus
> >infection and this can let users inquire the Postmaster about actually
> > junk virus messages.
> Indeed, the V3 code isn't the ideal solution, but I'm trying to ramp down
> the amount of work I do on the V3 code so I can concentrate on getting V4
> going well.
> In V3 it's a pain (the way the code is now) to get the attachment name out
> that's got the IFrame in it (just a fact of the way I wrote it). I'm not
> saying it's impossible, just that I'm reluctant to spend too much time on
> it. Hope you understand.

Certainly. In fact I asked about 4.00.
At the moment I just disabled the Iframe checking, but in the new version,
when I can selectively enable the mailing lists, I will certainly block any
uncontrolled Iframe message.


- --
     / Maurizio M. Munafo'                         /   dMMMMMMMMb  dMMMMb
    / Dip. di Elettronica - Politecnico di Torino /   dMP"dMP"dMP    "dMP
   / Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24                 /   dMP dMP dMP   dMMK"
  / I-10129 Torino (Italia)                     /   dMP dMP dMP     dMF
 / Tel: +39 011 5644128  Fax: +39 011 5644099  /   dMP dMP dMP dMMMMP"
/ E-mail: munafo at                    /__________________________
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