3.23-1 swearing like a pirate...

Maurizio Matteo Munafo' munafo at PREZZEMOLO.POLITO.IT
Tue Sep 24 17:20:32 IST 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 24 September 2002 11:06, Julian Field wrote:
> At 03:12 24/09/2002, you wrote:
> >Julian,
> >    I upgraded from 3.22-14 to 3.23-1 this afternoon and my syslog file
> >looks a wee bit more profane than before.  I'm getting a lot of "oh shit"
> >complaints, eg:
>     # Now to actually do something about it...
> Can you try sending yourself one and confirm whether MailScanner has
> actually disabled the Microsoft-specific exploit or not. I can't get it to
> go wrong on my system :-(

I too have some swearing in the log file. It seems that when the antivirus
finds a virus in a message suffering from a Microsoft-specific exploit (in
these days, Klez), the message is triggered.

I also noticed that in these cases the infected file, that used to linger in
the quarantine directory, is cancelled.
My quarantine directories are now almost empty, just containing the 'message'
files, besides a few exceptions for non-Klez viri.


- --
     / Maurizio M. Munafo'                         /   dMMMMMMMMb  dMMMMb
    / Dip. di Elettronica - Politecnico di Torino /   dMP"dMP"dMP    "dMP
   / Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24                 /   dMP dMP dMP   dMMK"
  / I-10129 Torino (Italia)                     /   dMP dMP dMP     dMF
 / Tel: +39 011 5644128  Fax: +39 011 5644099  /   dMP dMP dMP dMMMMP"
/ E-mail: munafo at polito.it                    /__________________________
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