3.23-1 swearing like a pirate...

Julian Field mailscanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Tue Sep 24 10:06:03 IST 2002

At 03:12 24/09/2002, you wrote:
>    I upgraded from 3.22-14 to 3.23-1 this afternoon and my syslog file
>looks a wee bit more profane than before.  I'm getting a lot of "oh shit"
>complaints, eg:

You better do this for starters:

--- explode.pl.old      Tue Sep 24 10:09:32 2002
+++ explode.pl  Tue Sep 24 10:09:40 2002
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
    for ($i=0; $i<@parts; $i++) {
      ($infectednum=$i),last if $parts[$i]==$infected;
-  Log::WarnLog("Oh shit, missed infected entity in message :-( $MsgId"),
+  Log::WarnLog("Oh bother, missed infected entity in message :-( $MsgId"),
      if $infectednum<0;

    # Now to actually do something about it...

Can you try sending yourself one and confirm whether MailScanner has
actually disabled the Microsoft-specific exploit or not. I can't get it to
go wrong on my system :-(

>Sep 23 16:06:21 emerald sendmail[24027]: [ID 801593 mail.info]
>g8NK6Kjg024027: from=<lam0937 at verizon.net>, size=124822, class=0,
>nrcpts=1, msgid=<20020923200218.UDTX1953.out007.verizon.net at Ffo>,
>proto=ESMTP, daemon=MTA, relay=out007pub.verizon.net []
>Sep 23 16:06:27 emerald mailscanner[27703]: >>> Virus 'W32/Klez-H' found
>in file ./g8NK6Kjg024027/HREF.scr
>Sep 23 16:06:27 emerald mailscanner[27703]: Detected Microsoft-specific
>exploits in g8NK6Kjg024027
>Sep 23 16:06:27 emerald mailscanner[27703]: Found 3 viruses in messages
>Sep 23 16:06:27 emerald mailscanner[27703]: Oh shit, missed infected
>entity in message :-( g8NK6Kjg024027
>Sep 23 16:06:27 emerald mailscanner[27703]: Deleted infected messages
>Version 3.23-1 has coughed up this furball 69 times today for me, versus once
>in the previous two weeks with 3.22-14.  Que pasa?
>** Jeff A. Earickson, Ph.D                         PHONE: 207-872-3659
>** Senior UNIX Sysadmin, Information Technology    EMAIL: jaearick at colby.edu
>** Colby College, 4214 Mayflower Hill,               FAX: 207-872-3076
>** Waterville ME, 04901-8842

Julian Field                Teaching Systems Manager
jkf at ecs.soton.ac.uk         Dept. of Electronics & Computer Science
Tel. 023 8059 2817          University of Southampton
                             Southampton SO17 1BJ

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