Sophos autoupdate script and proxy servers

Christopher Hicks chicks at CHICKS.NET
Wed Oct 30 16:28:59 GMT 2002

On Wed, 30 Oct 2002, Julian Field wrote:

> The sophos-autoupdate script uses either lynx or wget to fetch the
> files. I believe that lynx can talk to authenticating proxy servers,
> can't it? Not much of a lynx expert in this area as I've never had to
> suffer an authenticating proxy. But start in the lynx documentation.

which includes the option

              set  authorization  ID and password for a protected proxy 
                server at startup.  Be sure to pro­
              tect any script files which use this switch.

and the environment variables

       PROTOCOL_proxy      Lynx supports the use of proxy servers
                           that  can act as firewall gateways and
                           caching servers.  They are  preferable
                           to  the  older  gateway  servers  (see
                           WWW_access_GATEWAY, below).  Each pro­
                           tocol   used   by  Lynx,  (http,  ftp,
                           gopher, etc), can be mapped separately
                           by  setting  environment  variables of
                           the  form  PROTOCOL_proxy  (literally:
                           http_proxy,  ftp_proxy,  gopher_proxy,
                           etc),                               to
                           "http://some.server.dom:port/".    See
                           Lynx  Users   Guide   for   additional
                           details and examples.

       WWW_access_GATEWAY  Lynx  still  supports  use  of gateway
                           servers, with  the  servers  specified
                           via   "WWW_access_GATEWAY"   variables
                           (where "access" is lower case and  can
                           be "http", "ftp", "gopher" or "wais"),
                           however most gateway servers have been
                           discontinued.   Note  that  you do not
                           include a terminal '/'  for  gateways,
                           but do for proxies specified by PROTO­
                           COL_proxy environment variables.   See
                           Lynx Users Guide for details.


Any chance of those paper cups and string being upgraded to tin cans
and wire?  Or as a coworker has said . . . I've seen better throughput
from a pair of gorillas and flash cards.   -Jon Lewis <jlewis at>

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