Sophos autoupdate script and proxy servers

Julian Field mailscanner at
Wed Oct 30 15:19:04 GMT 2002

At 12:02 30/10/2002, you wrote:
>I'm sorry if this is slightly of topic but I'm not sure who else to ask.
>We currently run Mailscanner on our email gateway with great success and
>every night it happily goes off and get the latest ide's from Sophos. We
>are now planning on installing and running Sophos on all our internal server.
>The problem is that the machines have no direct connection to the web only
>via our proxy server that requires authentication.

Can you configure your proxy server to allow access to and without any interference? That's what we do here so we
know we aren't downloading out of date copies of the updates.

The sophos-autoupdate script uses either lynx or wget to fetch the files. I
believe that lynx can talk to authenticating proxy servers, can't it? Not
much of a lynx expert in this area as I've never had to suffer an
authenticating proxy. But start in the lynx documentation.

>Could someone tell me how to alter the autoupdate script to do this or
>would it be easier to copy the file from the mail gateway onto the
>internal machines, if this is the case which directories / files should I
>copy over ?

You could do this. I would just copy over everything under
/usr/local/Sophos as a tar file.
Julian Field                Teaching Systems Manager
jkf at         Dept. of Electronics & Computer Science
Tel. 023 8059 2817          University of Southampton
                             Southampton SO17 1BJ

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